X7 VTS Procedure

X7 VTS Procedure

Oracle X7-2 VTS Procedure

Oracle VTS (verification test suite) is a program produced by Oracle to run diagnostics on Oracle brand servers. The X7-2  is an Oracle server that runs off an Intel processor. Since this server does not have Sparc processor, it does not have the Oracle OS preloaded on its system which contains  the VTS program. To make matter more difficult, the  X7-2 doesn’t contain many external ports to connect to. It 

Set RSC IP Information

Connect to serial management port using serial cable and  dongle

Open termulator and enter login credentials

Login: root

Password : changeme

Set IP for ILO

Set/SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static

Set/SP/network pendingipaddress=xxx.xxx.xxx

Set/SP/network pendingipgateway=xxx.xxx.xxx

Set/SP/network pendingipnetmask=xxx.xxx.xxx

Set/SP/network  commitpending=true

Set  /SP/network state=enabled

Connect  to Ethernet port 0

Open web browser and enter IP inURL


Username: root

Password: changeme

Click on Remote Control , and clock on the sub-menu Redirection

Select the  in serial mode option.

The program will ask you to download the recommended Java app and run it.

Exit the Remote Control menu.

Go to the System Summary menu.

VTS will open to a list of options to run the program.  Run in SSH mode

  1. Login as superuser 
  • #su –
  1. The system will ask for password.
  • #password: solaris
  1. You are now logged in as root.
  2. Locate VTS file and run the executable file
  • # cd  /usr/sunvts/bin
  • /usr/sunvts/bin# ./startsunvts
  • The prompt will ask you how you would like run VTS and offer you a variety of ways in which VTS is displayed.
  • Select  “B”  VT100
  • Starting TTY UI……
  1. Arrow over to “Global Options”. Press enter.
  2. Enter the duration of time testing.  Enter 1440 (24hrs.)
  3. Press down arrow. Enable Verbose.
  4. Arrow down. Enter duration of logging. Enter  1440.
  5. Arrow down. Highlight “Apply”. Hit Enter.
  6. Arrow over to “Test Mode”. Select “System Exerciser” test option. 
  7. Press the “Tab” key to enter the test groups field. 
  8. Use the space bar to place checks to Disk, Processor and Memory for testing.  
  9. Use the spacebar to uncheck IO Ports, Media, and Network.
  10. Press “Tab” Key to enter the field with the Start option. Highlight “Start” and press the “Enter” key.
  11. VTS has started and will end in 24 hours. 

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