Running VTS with bootable ISO image X86

Running VTS with bootable ISO image X86

Running VTS with Bootable ISO Image: X86

VTS stands for Validation Test Suite. VTS is an application created by Sun Microsystems (Oracle)  that  stress  tests an entire computer’s hardware components in parallel for  a specified amount of time. GMI utilizes this feature of Oracle systems  to quality control Oracle servers that have been configured by GMI Integration .  This procedure provides walkthrough instructions on how to run VTS from a bootable ISO image on DVD or USB device. 

These directions will step the user through:

  • Connecting the appropriate devices to their server 
  • Pointing the server to appropriate boot device

Things you will need:

  • Monitor
  • VGA Cable
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse


  1. Connect the monitor to the X6-2 using the VGA cable. 
  2. Connect the keyboard and mouse to the server.
  3. While the server is running its POST, press F2 to enter the BIOS
  4. Right arrow over to the boot tab
  5. Select Boot Priority
  6. Highlight the device the image will be booting from.  Press the arrow up key to move the device to the top of the priority list.
  7. Press the F10 key to save  your configuration and exit the BIOS
  8. ISO image begins booting….
  9. The image will ask you two questions regarding language of user and keyboard style. The default for both answers is  U.S. English.  By pressing the enter key you will select the default appropriate language two both of these answers.
  10. Once the home screen loads, right click the desktop.
  11. Drop down menu appears, select “open terminal”.
  1. Login as superuser 
  • #su –
  1. The system will ask for password.
  • #password: solaris
  1. You are now logged in as root.
  2. Locate VTS file and run the executable file
  • # cd  /usr/sunvts/bin

  • /usr/sunvts/bin# ./startsunvts
  • The prompt will ask you how you would like run VTS and offer you a variety of ways in which VTS is displayed.
  • Select  “B”  VT100
  • Starting TTY UI……
  1. Arrow over to “Global Options”. Press enter.
  2. Enter the duration of time testing.  Enter 1440 (24hrs.)
  3. Press down arrow. Enable Verbose.
  4. Arrow down. Enter duration of logging. Enter  1440.
  5. Arrow down. Highlight “Apply”. Hit Enter.
  6. Arrow over to “Test Mode”. Select “System Exerciser” test option. 
  7. Press the “Tab” key to enter the test groups field. 
  8. Use the space bar to place checks to Disk, Processor and Memory for testing.  
  9. Use the spacebar to uncheck IO Ports, Media, and Network.
  10. Press “Tab” Key to enter the field with the Start option. Highlight “Start” and press the “Enter” key.
  11. VTS has started and will end in 24 hours. 

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