Receiving Procedures

Receiving Procedures

GMI-Integra Receiving Procedures

GMI  warehouse facilities is responsible for safely receiving, housing, and exporting merchandise domestically, and internationally. It is just as important to accurately account for all merchandise at the time of receiving at the time of delivering orders.  This procedure guides you through a step by step process of:

  • Examining orders for damage when receiving inbound freight from carriers
  • Receiving orders into Integra (GMI’s inventory and accounting system )
  • Closing fully received purchase orders in Integra

To physically receive a shipment:

  1. Remove key from the secure location key box to unlock/open bay door for carrier.
  2. Thoroughly inspect incoming freight for any damages to packaging. If there is damage to package refer to damaged freight document.


  1. Obtain packing slip from shipment and identify GMI’s purchase order #.
  2. Once PO# is identified, obtain the job folder.
  3. Identify items physically received against items listed on the packing slip.

Example: If the packing slip says that the shipment consists of a S7-2 Oracle server, look for a box that contains a S7-2 Oracle server with its part number that matches the packing slip written on it.

  1. Cross reference final inventory of items received on packing slip against the POF.
  2. Once items are confirmed against the above documentation, receive those items in Integra.

Receiving Items in Integra

  1. From the Integra main screen: Purchase – Receipt – Receipt.

  1. Enter GMI PO# in Purchase No. field
  2. Click the down arrow under Product No. field to select items identified as received.
  3. Continue to select all received items. Adjust quantities if necessary.
  1. To adjust quantities: if quantity 2 has been purchased, but only 1 has been delivered so far, highlight under column Received Qty. and delete 2, input 1. Then continue to receive as usual.
  1. Some items require serial numbers (SNs) be recorded.
  1. Right click line item under Product No. that needs to be serialized.
  2. Select Batch/Serial.
  3. Enter serial number in column Serial No.
  4. If more than one SN needs to be entered, hit F6 to drop to next row and add another entry. Repeat as necessary.
  5. Hit F10 to save.

  1. Close out receipt: click the drop down menu under Status and select Closed.
  2. Print 1 copy of receipt and give to Accounting.
  3. On the shipment’s packing slip, record receipt #, SO#, customer name (if Expeditors, list the branch code), date of receipt, and sign.
  4. Exit Integra receiving by clicking Close in the lower right corner.

Closing Purchase Orders

If all items have been received for said purchase order, the PO is ready to be closed in Integra.

  1. Click Purchase – Order – Order.
  2. Hit F7. Fields should turn green.
  3. Enter the PO# in the PO No. field.
  4. Hit F8. Purchase order should populate.
  5. Click drop down menu under Status.
  6. Select Closed.
  7. Hit F10 to save.
  8. Exit Purchase Order by clicking Close in the lower right corner.

  1. Give folder back to Ops.



Purchase order form. This form is located in the front of the customer order file. IT holds valuable information pertaining to the customer order such as: customer order number, GMI sales order number, GMI purchase order number, list of product ordered by the customer, vendor information,  delivery location of order, and integration instructions. Every bit of information you need to know to process this order is found on this form. 


Integra is a web based application used for GMI’s inventory and accounting systems

Packing Slip:

A packing slip is a shipping document that lists all items  that should be accounted for in a shipment.  It also references the purchase order number that can be identified by the customer. 

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