Integra Delivery Procedure

Integra Delivery Procedure

Integra Delivery Procedure

As an IT solutions provider, GMI offers many different products and services to its customers. GMI uses Integra as a means to process customer orders and receive and delivery inventory from vendors to customers. This document provides a guide to delivering goods to customer once orders have been received into its inventory.

Tools you will need:

  • Access to GMI GEM Domain ( Please see your Administrator)
  • Login and password to the Integra application
  • Computer with Windows 10 pro. 
  • Internet Explorer

Logging into system:

Please refer to the How to Login to Integra Procedure. How to log into Integra Procedure.docx

Delivering an Order in Integra

From Sale the drop-down menu, select Delivery and Packing Slip.

This selection will open you two the page where you can select and order to deliver from inventory.

In the Order Number field, enter the SO# of the order and click on the drop-down arrow under Delivered Qty. (This will bring up a list of deliverable items specific to that order.)

  1. Compare the list of line items on the POF to be delivered with the line items of the order in Integra. Make sure the qty. and the part number match.
  2. Highlight the line item you want to deliver and click the OK button. 

  1. Once all the line items have been delivered, record the delivery receipt and the date of delivery on the POF.

  1. Print a packing slip for the delivery generated in Integra. This copy of the packing slip will ship top the customer along with equipment being delivered.
  2. This completes the delivery process in Integra.

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