GMI Damaged Freight Procedure

GMI Damaged Freight Procedure

GMI Freight Damage Procedure

1.  Introduction

If a package arrived in a damaged state, make sure the carrier does not leave before a decision is made by management or the Account Manager.

There is one of three outcomes before carrier leaves:

  1. Shipment will be rejected.
  2. Shipment will be allowed.
  3. Shipment will be held for vendor to inspect.

2.  Receiving Procedure

If shipping or packaging material is visibly damaged or a box is crushed, punctured, or soiled on inbound freight to GMI follow these steps:

  1. Take pictures of entire shipment, damaged area, and any included paperwork.
  2. Have carrier notate damage on waybill.  If driver refuses, do not sign waybill. If damage is discovered after carriers have left or damage was concealed, continue with step 2.
  3. Determine customer and bring to attention of Account Manager,, and Operations Manager.  If neither is available or does not answer on mobile device, continue to step 3.
  4. Label package with customer’s name, PO number, job number, and then notate “hold damage”. 
  5. Mark the damaged unit on suppliers packing slip.
  6. Contact a manager and debrief situation.
  7. Do not receive in Integra.
  8. Await status from Account Manager or Operations Manager.

  1. Management or Account Manager Procedure

Once notified from Receiving:

  1. Notify Supplier of inbound damage.  Ask to check status of inventory for possible replacement and soonest arrival date.
  1. Check to see if order was placed under “White Glove”.  If so and replacement is needed, work with Avnet for replacement.  This is a service level with carriers that will unbox the equipment.  This typically means sensitive or extremely fragile equipment.
  1. If shipment is approved by Account Manager or Vendor, approve shipping equipment, notify receiving to receive in Integra.

If replacement equipment is required

  1. Place “DNP” (Do not Process) in Integra for the original purchase order.
  2. Re-order replacement equipment with supplier using new purchase order, referencing original purchase order.  This is essentially ordering the equipment twice.  
  3. Notify Accounting Department to start an insurance claim with supplier, carrier, or GMI insurance provider.

Container may need to be opened and tested to determine if there is any damage.  Inspect and then test for these types of damage:

  • Damage to the packaging material only.
  • Cosmetic scratches or dents to the equipment.
  • Severe physical damage to container and equipment.
  • Broken pieces (something shaken loose inside device).
  • Bent frame of devices (server bent, faceplate, etc.).

If freight damage happens while drop shipping or equipment received by customer:

Account Manager

  1. Ask customer to take pictures and detail damage to packaging and contents.
  2. Get specifics: carrier, date received, date damage notated.
  3. If required, dispatch manufacturer to determine functionality of equipment.

All customers FOB (Free On Board – Customer takes ownership of equipment) Origination: Ownership to customer takes place when carrier picks up goods. Refer complainants to outside rep/sales manager.

All customers FOB (Free On Board – Customer takes ownership of equipment) Destination: This is GMI's responsibility until it arrives at destination.

Boeing:  Boeing is self-insured. They are handling damage internally. Refer complainant to outside sales rep/sales manager.

  1. Other or Miscellaneous

Missing Equipment Management

  • If any equipment is missing, follow the same process as above.

  • NetApp orders
  • Contact ***

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