3) Turn off all lights.
4) To Set Alarm:
a. Type in your alarm code (last 2 digits of the first number on your key card plus your 4 digit passcode)
b. Press “TURN ON”
c. Press “ALL”
d. Wait for beeping to start indicating alarm is active
Note: if there is any movement in the building, or if any door is open, alarm will NOT set.
5) Verify the door locks behind you after exiting building.
If you do come into building while alarm is still beeping, or there is an audible noise coming from the keypad, be sure to deactivate it by entering your alarm code, and follow instructions on the keypad to disarm alarm.
In the event of a false alarm, immediately shut off alarm by typing in your alarm code.
Tyco will then immediately call GMI's main line. If Tyco's call is missed, call back at:
1-800-289-2647. Tyco will ask caller for the password. (Please see Scott, Ron, or Sue for the password if you do not know it. This is not a password that is printed or sent out to staff.) Then make the following GMI employees aware:
1) Scott Myers 415-500-5360
2) Ron Overstreet 425-829-4488
3) Sue DeFlorio 425-754-8268
If suspicious activity or apparent break-in has occurred, do not enter the building; call 911 & the Facilities Manager (Scott, backup Ron, Sue backup to Ron). Phone numbers are listed above.
Note: The City of Bellevue will charge GMI if the police
are dispatched to a false alarm.