Boeing Exostar ASN Ship Procedure

Boeing Exostar ASN Ship Procedure

Advance Ship Notices (ASN)

The Boeing Company uses an application called Exostar to process orders they have placed with vendors.  The vendor does not get paid unless they create a delivery for the order placed with The Boeing Company. . The delivery is called an Advance Ship Notice (ASN) must be submitted for ALL Boeing orders.


Open Web Browser and log into EXOSTAR, & Open Application

Information Needed For Advance Ship Notices:

Boeing Purchase Order Number

Tracking Number for Shipment to Boeing

GMI Integra Delivery/Packing Slip Number

Total Number of Packages

Carrier Company

Total Gross Weight of Shipment

Serial Numbers and Asset Tag numbers of tagged equipment (found on GMI packing slip)

Exostar token and login credentials

Logging into Exostar

  1. a. Type the following into URL: 

b. Enter login credentials:

  1. Use Boeing Token to create one time numeric password. Enter password and click Authenticate.

  1. Under Supply Chain Platform - Boeing (BSCP), click Open Application 
  2. A Page with the terms conditions of using this site appears. Check Acknowledge and click OK.

Processing ASN

1.  On the Exostar LEFT sidebar menu, click on: Order Management – Shipment – Create Shipment

2.  Enter Boeing's purchase order number in the Order Number field

3.  Click Search (bottom right) or hit enter on the keyboard

4.  Check each box for items that have shipped; if all items have shipped, check the top box on the upper left corner—ASN module will automatically appear on one-line item orders.  


   a. If order shipped partially, check the box next to each part number that shipped.

                b. Mark or highlight which line numbers have been ASN'd on Boeing's PO.   

5.  Click Next (bottom right). ASN number will generate on next screen.

On the ASN Header:

1.  Write the ASN Number on the top right of the POF

2.  Enter Tracking Number (Not Required)

3.  Enter in the Bill of Lading/Packing Slip Number (GMI Integra delivery number)

4.  Enter the Total Packages (number of pieces shipped)

5.  Select Transport Carrier ID (i.e. Boeing Licensed Transportation, FedEx, UPS, etc.)

6.  Enter Shipping Days (GMI standard shipping method is 2 day—enter how many days until product arrives)

7.  Enter Total Gross Weight (must be more than zero pounds)

ASN Line Items (Footer)

*Note: If the order is large, be sure to periodically click save.  The ASN module times out after 30 minutes.  YOU WILL LOSE ALL WORK.

1.  Enter Shipped Quantity on each line item (if shipped complete, refer to Boeing's PO    and POF.  Verify that the quantities shipped match the quantities Boeing ordered.)

2.  Click Create ASN (bottom right)

3.  Find the part number that required a CIIM tag.  Enter the serial number (w/o the “s”) in the Serial Number field and the CIIM tag number in the Asset Management Tag Number field.

4.  Click Save (mid-right)

5.  Click Send (mid-right)

Print ASN Labels: One copy must be affixed to the exterior of each box; other copy must be included inside each box.

  1. Click Home to exit

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